Form for reporting rare birds

1. General information

1. General information

Species (possibly subspecies):*
Number of specimen:*
Age and plumage:
Time of observation:
Please enter exact/approximate time when you first noticed the bird.
Duration of observation:
In case the bird lingered for multiple days, please enter date of the last observation.
Location (be precise – coordinates):*
Optics used:*
Light and visibility:*
2. Opis in določitev

2. Description and identification

Detailed description based on field notes:*
Other species present (for comparison):*
Species considered as identification pitfalls & how were they excluded:*
Previous experience with the observed species:*
How was the bird identified (based on previous experience, after studying literature, after consulting an expert):*
If identified to subspecific level: on the basis of what criteria:
If sexed: on the basis of what criteria:
If aged: on the basis of what criteria:
3. Documentation

3. Documentation

Enclosed documentation (type and no. of files):
Upload files (max. 25 MB):
I consent that Committe publishes the enclosed documentation (or some components of it) in its annual report in Acrocephalus journal.
4. Observer(s)

4. Observer(s)

The Committee uses contact details of observers to inquire about additional explanations and information required to assess the record correctly. If you don't have an e-mail or wish not to share it, please enter /. In this case we advise you to fill in at least one of the optional boxes with contact details, otherwise we are unable to get in touch with you and it might affect our decision.
Phone number:
Other observers (name and e-mail):